I’m afraid that I’ve been neglecting this blog recently. While Lent might have something to do with this, it’s probably due to a variety of reasons. However, I’ve been intending to highlight some worthwhile audio resources for a few weeks now, in case they are of interest to others who have not yet come across them.

  • Patristics podcasts. There are two series of short patristics podcasts available online, both by highly competent scholars. These are Deacon Matthew Steenberg of Monachos, and these are by Father John McGuckin. As an aside, Father McGuckin’s SCM Press A-Z of Patristic Theology (entiled WESTMINSTER HANDBOOK TO PATRISTIC THEOLOGY in the U.S.) is an absolutely indispensable aid to patristics novices / amateurs / ignoramusses trying to bluff their way.
  • Addresses from the Saint Vladimir’s Seminary liturgy symposium on Father Alexander Schmemann are available here. (h/t to Joe Koczera, SJ ) Father Robert Taft S.J. delivered the keynote address which Joe provides an excerpt from here. There are also some other quotable quotes that would be worth transcribing. The only other paper that I’ve listened to so far is that of Sr Vassa Larin on Schmemann and monasticism which raised some important issues – and she has a rather fun sense of humour.
  • There are three short talks by Metropolitan Jonah on preparing for Great Lent here.  These are definitely belated, but then he’s always worth listening to.
  • For those who haven’t seen it yet, Faith Comes by Hearing provides an amazing resource by providing Scripture in audio form. (h/t Fr Gregory Jensen).
  • And, while on audio matters, for those who aren’t aware of her site, Maria Lectrix has some wonderful patristic audio resources.